Meditations: Sr. Isidora
CP Art: © Dan Paulos
Pamphlet: © Timothy Duff 2020
Available from: Guild of St. Benedict Joseph Labre
1st Station: Jesus is Condemned to Death
Our beloved Savior, the Innocent One, was condemned by men and sentenced to a shameful death by crucifixion.
Misunderstanding, rejection and condemnation are common experiences for those with Mental Illnesses.
Let us pray for the grace to face our trials with serenity.
2nd Station: Jesus Accepts His Cross
Our Lord lovingly embraced the rough wood of the Cross as it was placed upon His shoulders.
The crosses of everyday life can be numerous for those with Mental Illness and their loved ones, and may seem too heavy to bear.
Let us pray for the grace to bear our daily crosses with love.
Jesus fell heavily to His knees in the first of many falls as He made His way to Calvary.
Often there are disappointments and setbacks in the care and treatment of those with Mental Illness. These can be heartbreaking for them and for those they love.
Let us pray for the grace to be patient with ourselves and others.
4th Station: Jesus Meets His Blessed Mother
The sorrow- ful meeting of Mother and Son on the road to Calvary, and how their Hearts must have broken at seeing each other in such distress.
It can be very difficult for the parents and loved ones of those with Mental Illness to watch their loved one suffer so much.
Let us pray for the grace of true compassion.
5th Station: Simon Helps Jesus Carry the Cross
Simon was called in to help carry the Cross for Christ, for fear that He would die on the way.
Sometimes, when things get too hard to handle, those with Mental Illness may need outside assistance to help care for them.
Let us pray for the grace to accept the helping hand of others and to offer our own when they are needed.
6th Station: Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
Veronica’s help, simply wiping the bleed- ing face of her Lord, may not have seemed like much, but it was done with love and greatly consoled Jesus’ Heart.
Those with Mental Illness often show no outward sign of their distress, yet are in desperate need of consolation.
Let us pray for the grace to always show love to those around us, even if it be just a smile.
7th Station: Jesus Falls the Second Time
Jesus fell multiple times under the weight of His Cross from weakness and fatigue, but He got back up and continued on.
Oftentimes, progress in mental well- ness can be slow and tedious for those who suffer from Mental Illness, and they and their loved ones may feel frustration, anger and even a loss of hope at the seeming backslides.
Let us pray for the grace to never lose our hope and optimism.
8th Station: Jesus Meets the Weeping Women
Jesus spoke to the women who were mourn- ing over Him, and reminded them of those for whom they should be weeping.
The families of those with Mental Illness often do not understand the depths of their loved ones’ suffering and may unknowingly add to its weight.
Let us pray for the grace to know when to console and when to let be.
9th Station: Jesus Falls the Third Time
Our Savior faltered and fell, so close the end of His journey.
When there is yet another setback, another seeming reversal in the life of someone with Mental Illness, it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking the worst.
Let us pray for the grace to persevere, even when things look the darkest.
10th Station: Jesus is Stripped of His Garments
When our Savior’s gar- ments were stripped from Him, His wounded body was exposed for all to see.
The hearts of those with Mental Illness are very sensitive, and they build walls and defenses to protect them- selves. Getting past these may entail a great deal of pain and vulnerability, but it is necessary for healing.
Let us pray for the grace to open our hearts to those around us and not close them off for fear of pain.
11th Station: Jesus is Nailed to the Cross
Our beloved Lord, as He was nailed to the wood of the Cross, forgave His tormentors.
Sometimes, as each day brings its new experiences of heartache that come with living with Mental Illness, life may seem unbearable and support may be nowhere in sight. Our own selves may even seem to be our worst enemies.
Let us pray for the grace to forgive those who have hurt us, includ- ing ourselves.
12th Station: Jesus Dies on the Cross
Our Savior hung on the Cross for three hours in agony before He gave up His spirit to save us.
When a family member or beloved friend is strug-gling so much with their Mental Illness, it can be tempting to think that it would be “better” for them not to have to suffer, but suffering, united with that of Jesus and offered to Him, crowns our hearts with gold and lends us strength to endure.
Let us pray for the grace to always unite our sufferings with those of Jesus.
13th Station: Jesus is Taken Down From the Cross
Our Lord had died and His lifeless body had been removed from the Cross and placed in His Mother’s arms. She graciously accepted the help of Joseph and Nicodemus to prepare His body for burial.
When a loved one is committed to a hospital, it may seem as if they are at the bitter end, but they and their struggles are now placed in the caring hands of those who know how to help.
Let us pray for the grace to release our loved ones into capable hands.
14th Station: Jesus is Laid in the Tomb
When the disciples had buried Our Lord, they were despondent and gathered together with His Mother to console one another.
Darkness sometimes overtakes those with Mental Illness, who may lose all hope of seeing a new day dawn, but the companionship of their loved ones can help to lift their spirits
Let us pray for the grace to avoid isolating ourselves.
The Resurrection:
When Jesus had risen on that third day, He emerged from the dark of the tomb with glory and power.
When those with Mental Illness receive the help they need to rise up and achieve mental wellness, they cast off their chains of bondage and come forth triumphant and joyful to face life anew.
Let us pray for the grace to rejoice in the resurrection of our loved ones’ return to health.