June 27; 7pm-8:15pm. Hope & Wellness Circle via ZOOM. Join our monthly drop-in circle, in the comfort of your home, and be in community with others who are facing mental health challenges or are caring for loved ones who are. Our desire and goal are to provide a safe, supportive space to help ensure that no one feels alone in his or her struggle. Email [email protected] for zoom info.
Sacred phrases, known as Mantrams, include ancient forms of Christian repetitive prayer used by the Desert Fathers. Jill Bormann, Ph.D., R.N. research scientist at the VA San Diego Healthcare System has established that slow, daily repetition of Mantrams reduce stress, focuses attention, deepens sleep, and increases one’s patience. In my experience, regular and frequent use of a mantram places one’s spirit exquisitely in the Sacrament of the Present Moment.
A simple habit of the daily practice of MEDS can help balance the stressors of your life. MEDS stands for Meditation-Exercise-Diet-Sleep. Some fear meditation, disliking silence, solitude, and being still. Others resist because of anxieties about adequate time or expert technique. Trappist monk Fr Thomas Keating offered a refreshingly simple process for Meditation through Centering Prayer.
This pamphlet is intended to be a resource to parishes for ministry to people with a major mental illness and their families. Faith communities can be of tremendous help-offering hope, unconditional love, and support to people who often find themselves stigmatized and isolated from the community. People with a mental illness and their families frequently turn first to clergy for answers to this severe crisis in their lives.
A Pastoral Letter from the Bishops of California on Caring for those who suffer from Mental Illness Addressed to All Catholics and People of Goodwill (2018)
NAMI FaithNet is a network composed of members and friends of NAMI. It was established for the purposes of: Facilitating the development within the faith community of a non-threatening, supportive environment for those with mental illness and their families. Pointing out the value of one’s spirituality in the recovery process from mental illness and the need for spiritual strength for those who are caretakers. Educating clergy and faith communities concerning mental illness and Encouraging advocacy of the faith community to bring about hope and help for all who are affected by mental illness.