The Archdiocese of Hartford has curated an extensive amount of resource specific to different ministries and demographics which we hope are helpful in engaging the domestic Church and deepening all of our spiritual lives. This time of uncertainty has upended many good plans for faith formation, RCIA preparation, youth ministry, and parish observances – not to mention the closure of schools which has moved the education and sacramental preparation of children to the digital sphere. However, a time of physical distancing does not inhibit our abilities to draw closer to God in prayer and to one another, whether in our homes or virtually.
Catholic Charities is a leader in providing culturally and linguistically competent behavioral health services to adults, children, adolescents, and families across our region. If you or someone you know would benefit from talking to someone, please reach out today.
A simple habit of the daily practice of MEDS can help balance the stressors of your life. MEDS stands for Meditation-Exercise-Diet-Sleep. Some fear meditation, disliking silence, solitude, and being still. Others resist because of anxieties about adequate time or expert technique. Trappist monk Fr Thomas Keating offered a refreshingly simple process for Meditation through Centering Prayer.
This pamphlet is intended to be a resource to parishes for ministry to people with a major mental illness and their families. Faith communities can be of tremendous help-offering hope, unconditional love, and support to people who often find themselves stigmatized and isolated from the community. People with a mental illness and their families frequently turn first to clergy for answers to this severe crisis in their lives.